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The BEST Cards Of Thanks listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

The BEST Cards Of Thanks listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

Cards of Thanks 

Sincere Gratitude <br>from The Families  Sincere Gratitude  from The Families of Delphine & Jim Kennelly  Our heartfelt appreciation to the many who sent cards of condolences,  flowers and donations in support of Jim & Delphine (Bella) Kennelly  Legacy Fund. We are grateful for the many friends that comforted us,  and our parents, as they went through their health challenges. Thank  you for standing by our side in faith, caring for our family and building  upon friendships (new and old).  Special thanks to Fr. Rex and the parishioners of St. Mary’s & Christ  the Servant Catholic Church for their endless prayers and support &  to Dane & the staff at McPherson’s Funeral home for their professional  and compassionate care during this difficult time.    “People will forget what you said, people will  forget what you did, but people will never forget  how you made them feel.”  - Maya Angelou
Sincere Gratitude <br>from The Families  Sincere Gratitude  from The Families of Delphine & Jim Kennelly  Our heartfelt appreciation to the many who sent cards of condolences,  flowers and donations in support of Jim & Delphine (Bella) Kennelly  Legacy Fund. We are grateful for the many friends that comforted us,  and our parents, as they went through their health challenges. Thank  you for standing by our side in faith, caring for our family and building  upon friendships (new and old).  Special thanks to Fr. Rex and the parishioners of St. Mary’s & Christ  the Servant Catholic Church for their endless prayers and support &  to Dane & the staff at McPherson’s Funeral home for their professional  and compassionate care during this difficult time.    “People will forget what you said, people will  forget what you did, but people will never forget  how you made them feel.”  - Maya Angelou
The family of Edward Wilkie  The family of Edward Wilkie wishes to  express our sincere appreciation for all  the support at the time of his passing.  The many cards, flowers, phone  calls, text messages and memorial  donations mean more to use than  words an express.  Thank you to Bonnie Ronnie (Bob  Ronne Catering) for the luncheon.  To Marlon, Sheila, Craig and Dani for  your kindness, care and compassion.  Sincerely  Sylvia, Angie, Janice, Chris  and Families